Sales & BDR
Strategy That Scales

Finding repeatable patterns and plays to
accelerate growth across the sales function

Meet with Jenny

We help innovative and driven founders, revenue leaders,
& sales leaders, create repeatable and scalable sales processes

Revenue Leadership

Add a strategic voice to multiply sales wins
Founders and revenue leaders are looking for a strategic partner to bring to the table to help develop structure and predictability for their sales or BDR process. Sometimes these founders or revenue leaders know they might need a partner who’s a proven sales expert who can bring experience to the table around predictable forecasts, strategic Go-To-Market (GTM) motions, talent attraction strategies, and scalable sales processes.

We know that scaling companies need hands-on experts who know how to scale companies. These revenue leaders know what levers to pull in order to create a high-performing sales culture that delivers results. We know that each client’s sales needs are different, so our team of executive experts will work with you to craft a strategy that best fits your needs.

Our clients see results like 3-5X gain in unweighted pipeline coverage in only 90 days.

BDR Scale

Predictable Methods To Build, Grow & Scale BDR Teams
Sales development teams see unprecedented quota performance and pipeline contribution while also providing strategic GTM insights. SDR/BDR teams are critical to high growth yet are often viewed as a pure volume engine inside of a sales organization. We take a different approach and help scaling companies unlock predictable pipeline contributions from BDR/SDR teams. We bring a proven playbook and hands-on approach. Time to value is quick. Ramp objectives are met. Quota is attained. AND, BDRs shift into strategists that provide critical early indicators of GTM trends for the revenue organization. When you take the time to build the foundation correctly, it's amazing what tremendous value a high-performing team can drive for the organization.

Our clients are seeing results like 95% of SDRs hitting quota objectives within 90 days of the hire date or 98% BDRs booking their first demo/appointment/DISCO call in the first ten days on the job. These types of results can only be achieved with a repeatable and scalable process.

AE Scale

Replicating the success of your top sales performers at scale
Founders often struggle with helping sellers to replicate their own sales success or the success of an elite performer in the AE function. With the insertion of a repeatable sales process, it arms your entire sales team with the right resources to be a top performer. A repeatable sales methodology provides a “how to” map for your team with clearly defined executable steps telling them exactly how to get from point A to point B. What’s in it for them? The faster salespeople master a sales process, the faster they can exceed objectives and earn commissions. It also provides the visibility and structures your revenue leadership team needs to understand your business KPIs.

Whether a traditional B2B SaaS sales motion or an Enterprise SaaS sales motion, or something else, we help scaling companies find patterns that drive predictability and improvement in ACV, win rates, and time to close.
Meet with Jenny
"Our biggest challenge has always been clearly articulating our value proposition to two different customer types, to multiple personas within each. Jenny has a unique ability to quickly understand your business and your customer, and develop measurable strategies to drive change. There are a lot of skilled sales consultants out there who can teach selling skills, or write scripts to get through gate keepers, or even review analytics and gather insights, but Jenny is so much more than that. I've never met anyone with her skill set. She does a thorough discovery and asks the right questions to really get to the heart of your problem and will create a comprehensive plan to tackle each issue, all while making sure to measure inputs and outcomes, consistently. She is also willing to roll up her sleeves and dig in to help tactically if you need it. Jenny will always be my sounding board and go-to champion for all things growth, sales, and revenue generation."

-Megan Lohman, Founder & Co-CEO, Plan Forward
"Since partnering with our team in mid-2021, Jenny Vance has become an integral part of our revenue org. After securing Series A, Jenny immediately stepped in and helped build our Sales Development team (onboarding, ongoing development, messaging, etc.) Jenny's expertise was invaluable during a time of rapid growth and allowed us to lay the foundation for our current sales development team. Jenny has also partnered with my sales management team to institute MEDDPICC sales methodology that has led to improved forecasting and velocity of deals through our pipeline. Throughout our engagement, Jenny has proven to be a reliable partner that takes a vested interest in our organization's success. I consistently partner with Jenny on go-to-market strategy, personnel development, deal review and more. If you're looking for a partner to help supercharge your growth, I highly recommend Jenny and her team."

--Sam Estes, SVP Revenue, Authenticx
Finding the Balance of Art and Science
for Scaling Revenue
There are plenty of strong sales trainers that focus on skills training, but skills training is a slow play for high-growth companies. Our focus is to help companies remove blockers, level-up processes to match their growth phase. We meet scaling companies where they are to customize their sales enablement to fit their solution, ICP, GTM, and customer value.
Let's Start Building